Physical description
Set of 15 drawings, blue prints, plus blue print covers bound into a book form titled "Types of Electric Cars" with the MMTB name in black ink on the top edge of the cover sheet. Secured with a cardboard cover strip and two brass clips. Contains the following drawings of a Outline of each tram, front elevation and internal seating arrangements.
R2459 - Class W2
R3071 - class W3
R3812 - class W4
R4678 - class W5
R4646 - class SW2
R4771 - class SW6 - noted as "New car" on the drawing.
R2462 - Class X
R2463 - Class X1
R3080 - class X2
R2464 - class Y
R2465 - class Y1
R3799 - Cable train - dummy and trailer
Only the cover has been imaged. See the R drawing file for each tramcar.
Two copies held.