Physical description

Black and white photograph of a horse tram at the Kew Cemetery terminus with a uniformed MTOC. employee, two horses and the Cemetery buildings in the background. Has Victoria Bridge & Cemetery written on the side of the tram. 2nd copy added with different crop.

Photo from the Collection of the Department of Infrastructure now with the Public Records Office - image number H1. Note: this photo is now out of copyright and was not an original VR photograph, but one copied from another source and collected as their Heritage series.

From an email from Rod Atkins 29/7/2019:

This Stevenson six widow saloon horse tram No 46 is fairly standard.

The horse cars did not have wheel skirts like the cable trams 6 and 8 window cars.

Sitting at the terminus in High Street at Parkhill Road at the gates of the Boroondara General Cemetery ready for its return trip to Richmond.

The tram is being run one man. Note the location of gates, pay as you enter the front step.

The driver has a conductors bag around his neck and waist.

No conductor present in the photo.

His uniform is classic Company issue. He is wearing a Tunic and vest! And early issue cap with a white band.

Date: around circa 1900 as the clock tower, brick wall and cast iron fence are all in place and the car number is faded out.

I have seen a photo of a tram there with no clock tower from around the opening of the line.

Inscriptions & markings

Has part of the Department of Infrastructure copy right stamp on rear and number in ink on rear and "1-5"