Physical description

1.- Newspaper clippings titled:

“Is last train out of Melbourne almost gone?”

Newspaper clipping from the Age 20/03/2020, by Timna Jacks

Victoria's trains, trams and buses are considered an essential service during the Covid-19 pandemic and are being thoroughly cleaned each night to stop the spread of the virus. Transport planners expect services to reduce due to lower patronage.

Photo of inside a B class tram.

2.- Newspaper clippings titled:

“Crisis as public transport slumps”

Newspaper clipping from the Age 28/03/2020, by Timna Jacks

Public transport usage down by about 90%. Leaked figures show number of people using Melbourne's trams down by 88% this week with 81,600 passengers compared with an expected 708,300. Previous week about 285,000 passengers used tram network. Yarra Trams was set to make $164M from fares this year.

3.- Newspaper clippings titled:

“New seating rules on buses and trams”

Newspaper clipping from the Age 24/03/2020, by Timna Jacks

Front row of seats on Melbourne's trams will be out of bounds to commuters and inquiry holes on tram driver cabins will be sealed to protect drivers from coronavirus.