Historical information
Photographs of fire trucks being tested for the roll over characteristics at Preston Workshops.
.1 - .3 - Metropolitan Fire Brigade Board (Melbourne - MFBB) appliance or fire truck or pumper, being tested at Preston Workshops. Based on the number plate in .1 - c1969 - 1970 see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_registration_plates_of_Victoria (accessed 22/4/2020)
The facility appears to be long enough to test a bus, but appears to be one that was stored and then brought out for use - see photo 8.
.4 to .6 are of testing a UK truck on a more dedicated facility.
.7 - workers, some ex MFB workshops possibly, winching rope
.8 - the testing frame or lift panel with crane ropes attached and W6 tram No. 986 in the background.
A copy of the Newsletter of the Fire Services Museum of Vic. 9/2021 featured some of these photos. Item stored in box 192 with the photographs.
Demonstrates the testing of the roll over angles of a fire truck.
Physical description
Series of eight black and white photographs