Newspaper, The Age, "Tears and fond farewell to the conductors who fare not so well", "Not everyone is happy as the last tram conductors are put out to pasture", "Dispute a threat to services", "Not everyone is happy as the last tram conductors are put out to pasture", 25/05/1998 12:00:00 AM

Physical description

Two newspaper cuttings from The Age, Monday 25/5/1998 following the withdrawal of all conductors on Melbourne tram services.

.1 - "Tears and fond farewell to the conductors who fare not so well "written by Paul Heinrichs, the story about the last Malvern conductor signing off , Bernard Lamberty with Z98 in the background. Photo taken in Swanston St by Luis Ascui. Also discusses the dispute over W class trams and the move to ticket machines. Continued on page 4 as "Tracks of tears as connies go" with a photo of Norm Maddock with part of the collection at Malvern.

.2 - "Not everyone is happy as the last tram conductors are put out to pasture" and "Not everyone is happy as the last tram conductors are put out to pasture", written by Rachel Gibson about the industrial dispute over the removal of conductors and safety on W class trams. Quotes Lou Di Gregorio.

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