Physical description

Set of 7 letters, from Yarra Trams during 2007 and 2009 to Keith Kings re various maters, sending the latest issue of "Tramlines".

1 - 20/12/2007 - re tramlines

2 - 18/2/2008 - hand written letter to Paul, re not being able to receive the electronic version of tramlines and asking to be put on the mailing list for "The Pantograph".

3 - 11/4/2008 - tramlines, C2 trams, TramTracker and St Kilda Road.

4 - 23/4/2008 - response from Paul Matthews re his letter of 18/2 and sending a copy of the mini-CD - Driving with trams

5 - 12/8/2008 - re Bumblebee 2 - signed by Dennis Cliche

6 - 16/12/2008

7 - 23/3/2009

Signed by either Dennis Cliche as CEO or Paul Matthews as Marketing Manager.