Negative, Wal Jack, 22/03/1940

Historical information

Photo of a cable tram set turning from Smith St into Gertrude St 22/3/1940, trailer 286. Wal Jack Negative number T147. Has destination of Spencer St. and an advert for The New Palais Royale at the Exhibition buildings.
In the background is G. D. Langridge Real Estate building. On the street outside is a fire alarm point.
Rod Atkins advised 6/9/2020:
"I have been so impressed with the photo that is being used in Bellcord for the issue that did some digging. The photo is priceless!
The photo is taken on a Friday (to my surprise) mid-afternoon given the shadows.
Did you notice the flip side of the dummy destination - Clifton Hill.
Hard working cable tram line to the end - licence to print money for the board.
The building on the South east corner. - G.D. Langridge & Sons Auctioneer. This was a Melbourne "institution" . George David Langdon was a local identity who went on to become MLA for Collingwood. ot sure when the business started but could have been in the 1860s or 70's Well before the cable trams. George died on 24th March 1891. The business survived till well after the war." Clock is showing 2.30pm, - day of the week - Friday.


Yields information about cable tram operation in Smith St and the corner with Gertrude St in 1940.

Physical description

Negative - black and white.

Inscriptions & markings

On rear of print in album "Cable 286 turning out of Smith St in Gertrude St Fitzroy. T147" and 22/3/1940.

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