Physical description

Black and white negative, by Wal Jack, of S class 168 on the western road at Footscray Tram depot. Two other S Class cars are behind 168 and on the other roads is a further S Class and X1 Class car. Shows the depot layout.

There are three buses in the yard - advised by Paul Kennelly via David Kemp by e-mail:

Two Leyland Cubs sandwiching a Federal B20, all with MMTB Preston Workshops bodies.

The Leyland Cub closest to the camera is No 49 new 8/1936. This bus had been re-engined to Diesel by this time. May explain the missing engine cover. The other Leyland Cub maybe in the same 41-50 number sequence.

The Federal B20 was new the following year and was numbered in the sequence 53-60.