Physical description

Newspaper clipping from The Age, (2/6/2000?), about an accident in St Kilda Road when a W class tram collided with a Z class tram. Article reports on the withdrawal of W class trams by Swanston St tram immediately. Titled "Brakes could spell the end of line for classic trams"

Hugh Waldron's Transit Australia notes (Reg Item 5359 for June 2000) reports "After an accident between “SW6” 869 and “Z1” 75 at about 4pm on Thursday 1st June 2000 all Swanston “W” class trams were instructed to shunt at the closest crossover and return special to the Depot. "

Article buy Sushi Das and photo by Ken Irwin of the front of Sw5 869 (University route 16).

Quotes from Kevin O'Shea of National Express (Swanston Trams), Phil Alteri (RTBU) and Christine Buckingham of Yarra Trams