Physical description
Set of 9 imperial or decimal currency MMTB or MTA or The Met tickets. All numbers printed in black.
.1 - 80c - The Met, green ink on off white paper, marked "Adult", No. B238377
.2 - 75c - MTA, green ink on off white paper, No. 005680
.3 - ditto - No. 931347
.4 - 40c - The Met, red ink on off white paper, "Concession" - No. C535873
.5 - 35c - MTA - red ink on off white paper, No. 071355
.6 - ditto - No. 688676
.7 - 5d - MMTB - black ink on purple paper No. 099479
.8 - ditto - No. 284558
.9 - 5d City Section - MMTB - red ink on red paper, over stamped of grey ink - No. 975635
Tickets 7, 8 and 9 have advertisements for Stamina trousers or suits on the rear along with the thought of the month or a statement.