Physical description

Set of 8 pamphlets from a series of 10 Yarra trams passenger cards regarding behaviour, tickets and security on trams. See also Reg Items 2417, 2436, 3528, 5437. The first is photocopied, all others printed on light card.

0 of 10 - Ticket inspection, security with Inspector Tracker on the back

1 of 10 - be at your tram stop before the tram arrives

2 of 10 - plain clothes ticket inspectors

3 of 10 - antisocial behaviour

4 of 10 - re hailing a tram

5 of 10 - eating of food and leaving rubbish behind

6 of 10 - validation of tickets

7 of 10 - please hold on when standing

8 of 10 - tram priority on roads

9 of 10 - travelling by tram means less cars on the road.

10 of 10 - new best friend - TramTracker.

Items are not formally numbered. Not dated.

Inscriptions & markings

Some have number notes and notes written inside about changes or errors in ink. See History.