Historical information

Parry Collection
‘Sunbeams’ and ‘Corinella’ were two of the few ways an Australian kid could get some acknowledgement and a pat on the back from the big wide world from the 1930s through to the 1950s. The Corinella columns ran in the Sun Newspaper with puzzles, jokes and colouring competitions.
Kath Farmer played the role of ‘Corinella’ for yonks and hosted annual ‘Corinella’ Parties for boys and girls aged 5 to 13 years for decades.
Sunbeam Certificates were awarded to young readers for good puzzles, riddles, drawings or original stories or verses.

Physical description

The Sun Newspaper Sunbeams Club Envelopes and Awards, envelopes with Ginger Meggs effigy and warning for the postman to take care with the delivery; various certificates received in return for colouring competitions and puzzles submitted back to the Sun Newspaper.

Letters were sent to Merle Symons, Orville, Murphys Creek.