Historical information

Albert Richardson was an expert on the history of the Bendigo Goldfield. The Albert Richardson Park at Victoria Hill, is named in his honour. He was a prominent member of the Bendigo Historical Society.

Physical description

Fifty one page booklet. On front page: Bendigo Goldfield, issued by Geo Brown, Secretary for Mines, under the authority of The Hon. E.J. Hogan, M.L.A., Minister of Mines. Mines Department, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 1936.Content includes: historical information; recent development and future prospects, geology and lines of reef. Reef lines described are: Tysons, Lightning Hill, Hustlers, Derby, Paddy's Gully, Garden Gully, Deborah, Sheepshead, New Chum, Nell Gwynne, British and Foreign, Napoleon, Lancashire, Carshalton, Thistle, Christmas and Birds.

Inscriptions & markings

On front cover 'Bendigo Goldfield, Geo Brown, Sec. for Mines, 1936' written in black pen. On first page 'A.Richardson, 29 Harrison Street, Bendigo' The booklet is annotated throughout by Albert Richardson, for example, the mines along the New Chum Line are further described with their date of formation, sill heights and area of claim.