Historical information

Troy ounces are slightly heavier than avoirdupois ounces that we commonly use. 1 troy ounce equals roughly 1 1/8 ounces and is used for the weighing of precious metals and gems. It is believed that the troy ounce dates back to the 16th century to the town of Troyes in Frances. This was a major trading centre for Europe and a standardised for of weights was needed. One troy ounce equalled 480 grains of barley.

Physical description

Two Sets of Troy weights all circular and tapering to the bottom plus two individual weights - 1oz. One Complete set of Troy weights round in shape and tapering to bottom with six inner weights imprinted with 6oz, 4oz, 2oz, 1oz and nothing on two inner smaller ones.2nd set is incomplete with three inner crucibles next size is missing and then smallest size 6oz 4oz 2oz 1oz . Two individual weights 1oz.