Historical information

Photographs of a PMTT Drawing/blueprints of a Rest House or tram stop shelter, giving details, basic dimensions, and details. Provided by the AETM Adelaide, St Kilda Tramway Museum. A second drawing, coloured, drawing 1684C shows a T-shaped building - no examples known of. Drawings by Leonard & Flannagan, Architects - stamped on 1684B - dated 20/12/1911. Would have been sent to the Metropolitan Tramway Trust Adelaide for information. Photograph of the shelter at Hawthorn Road and Dandenong Road by Mal Rowe 2-5-2023.


Yeilds inforamtion about PMTT Rest Houses or shelters for which they was always a demand.

Physical description

Photograph of a PMTT Drawing held by the AETM Adelaide. Drawing No. 1684B and 1684C