Document - Amy Huxtable Memorial Committee - Newspaper Articles and letters to the Bendigo Art Gallery, 1985 - 1988

Historical information

Amy Huxtable was born at Cheltenham in 1918, to Robert Henry Huxtable and Violet A Dagg. Her father was an installer for an oil company and travelled the State. taking his family with him. She completed her education at the Bendigo High School and later attended the Bendigo Business College, becoming an expert shorthand writer.

Her first position was as a copy writer with Radio 3BO, in the mid 1930s. She worked with an advertising agency in Melbourne and then with the Age,newspaper. In 1953, Miss Huxtable was appointed temporarily to succeed Miss E B Millane as social editress of the Bendigo Advertiser, during the latter's absence abroad.

In 1956, Amy travelled abroad and on her return in 1957 was appointed permanently as Women's editor, a position she held for twenty-three ears. During her early years with The Advertiser she wrote under the name Toora, but in later years her own name became widely known.

Miss Huxtable was well known both in her professional capacity and through a interest and involvement in community activites. She was life governor of the Bendigo Hospital, the Bendigo Home for the Aged, and Mirridong Home for the Blind, she was a member of Soroptimist International and the Business and Professional Women's Club. Amy was also a tireless worker for the spastic society and a strong supporter of the YWCA.

When Amy Huxtable died at Mt AJvernia Hospital on 16 January 1980 Mayor Campbell ordered the city flag to be flown at half-mast. "Lowering the flag is the least we can do for such a lady" Cr Campbell said.

Douglas Lockwood, editor of the Bendigo Advertiser said, "She was a devot d colleague who gave her craft and her newspaper the kind of service which identified a rare and generous spirit." She was a true professional who decided to make Bendigo her home.

More than 300 people packed St Paul's Church for her funeral ervice the bell tolled as the casket was carried from the church.

At a ceremony in the Conservatory Gardens on No ember 22 1981 The Amy Huxtable Memorial Committee presented to the City of Bendigo, a garden seat in memory of the late Miss Huxtable. This Bendigo manufactured seat was a fitting tribute to one ofBendigo's most loved and esteemed citizens. All Miss Huxtable's Advertiser articles were microfilmed and presented to the Library by the above committee.

Physical description

Amy Huxtable Memorial Committee - Newspaper Articles and letters to the Bendigo Art Gallery


First Article: Bendigo Advertiser article 18/12/1985 on "two of Bendigo's noted daughters , Ola Cohn and Amy Huxtable" Describes the restoration of the Ola Cohn drinking fountain in Rosalind Park, and the installation of the Amy Huxtable Memorial Seat in the Conservatory Gardens.

Second Article: Bendigo Advertiser Letters to the Editor Column 30/12/1988 paragraph entitled "Credit where it is due: "A special tricentennial council effort would be to restore the paths, kerbs and sculpture by Ola Cohn, J H Curnow Fountain, the Bob Brothers Memorial and the Chain of Ponds" (Rosalind Park)


Seven Pages of letters:

1. To Mrs Thelma Dingle from Doug Hall, Bendigo Art Gallery Director 30/1/1986 regards the Amy Huxtable committee funding the restoration of the Ola Cohn Fountain by sculptor Mr Marc Clark.

2. From the Amy Huxtable Committee 24/3/1986 back to the Art Gallery explaining that the committee leftover funds be given to the art Gallery to go towards the restoration of the Oal Cohn Fountain.

3. From the Art Gallery to Miss N D young, Amy Huxtable Committee 3/4/1986 thanking the committee for the funds.

4. From the committee to the Mayor and Councillors, Bendigo City, 4/2/1987 asking for an update on the project.

5. Copy of above letter.

6. From the City of Bendigo to the Committee 17/2/1987, advising of progress on the restoration of the fountain.

7. From Norma Young to the Bendigo Advertiser Letters to the Editor, advising of progress on the Ola Cohn Sculpture and the J H Curnow Fountain restoration.

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