Letter - Memo, Met Tram, "Briefing note - scrubber car replacement/update", 9/1988

Historical information

Memo to Ian Dobbs CEO PTC from Russell Nathan, Met Tram regarding the condition and future of the three number track maintenance cleaning, and corrugation removal by scrubber trams 9W, 10W and 11W. Looks at the cost of operations, issues and their future. Recommends that they be replaced using contracted equipment. The trams were withdrawn from service by 2002. 9W to Bendigo, 10W to TMSV Bylands and 11W to the Sydney Tram Museum.


Yields information about the three MMTB Scrubber trams that were in use during 1998

Physical description

"Briefing note - scrubber car replacement/update " - 3 A4 pages, dated 8/9/1998

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