Historical information

Black and white photo of some thirty eight rolling stock workshop depot maintenance employees at Malvern tram depot. Note the two employees at the right are standing on a raised works frame. behind that again is motor lorry. Behind the workers on the left in the photo is Works Locomotive No 8A and to its right a Californian combination car that appears to be raised up?


Yields information about the rollingstock maintenance staff at Malvern Depot Workshop c1923.

Physical description

Black and white print mounted onto a cardboard back with remnants of adhesive tape on the rear. Second print mounted onto heavy brown stippled card within a backing paper border, with notations on the rear. Two copies held.

Inscriptions & markings

In pencil "Malvern T Depot" Second print - "Tramway Workshops crew, Coldblow S Malvern 1916" and "W C Nankervis (extreme left)?