Historical information

The Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm Unit Citation was conferred by General Cao Van Vien, Chief of the Joint General Staff, Armed Forces of the Republic of Vietnam on 24 October 1970, and officially presented to the 8th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment by Lieutenant General Do Cao Tri, Commander of II Corps and Military Region 3 Vietnam on 29th October 1970.

The citation was awarded for "always displaying high morale while co-operating and assisting the Vietnamese people in their struggle against Communism and to defend peace and freedom .. in Military Region III ... Though fighting under the most difficult conditions, the members of the 8th Battalion, 1st Australian Task Force still fought bravely and determinedly and had many glorious victories. Their most remarkable military operations took place in the area of the Long Hai hills... (They also participated ) ... in the civic action programme to assist the local population ( in Military Region 3) to reconstruct their houses, roads, bridges, markets and schools etc. ... thereby bringing great credit to the Royal Australian Armed Forces."

Physical description

2 X paper documents, one in English the other in Vietnamese (mounted with white matt in timber frame). Each has been printed with a decorative blue border, main text in black, official stamp in bottom right corner is red. A blue medal with red and yellow ribbon is printed in centre top of both documents.

Inscriptions & markings

Republic of Vietnam/ Gallantry Cross/Chief of the General Staff? Armed Forces of the Republic of Vietnam/ Army Meritorious Commendation/ The 8th Battalion, 1st Australian Task Force/ For the gallantry they displayed under enemy fire./ This Meritorious Commendation ((GALLANTRY CROSS)) is added with (a) palm (leaf)./KBC day 24 month 10 Year 1970