Slide - Set of 14 - Railway tram Shelters, Robert Green, 3/1990

Historical information

Set of 14 colour slides of Victorian Railways tramway shelters, by Robert Green March 1990.
1 - VR Tram shelter - Esplanade Brighton Beach
2 - ditto
3 - ditto
4 - ditto
5 - ditto
6 - ditto
7 - ditto
8 - VR Tram shelter - Brighton Beach Gardens
9 - VR Tram shelter - Brighton Beach Gardens
10 - VR Tram shelter - Brighton Beach Gardens
11 - VR Tram shelter - Brighton Beach Gardens
12 - VR Tram shelter - Brighton Beach Gardens
13 - VR Tram shelter - Brighton Beach Gardens
14 - VR Tram shelter - Brighton Beach Gardens


Yields information about VR tramway shelters and a replica.

Physical description

Set of 14 Kodak colour slides in plastic mounts.

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