Historical information

Also another colour photograph of twenty four women at a Uniting Church function, Alice Colquhoun, Dorothy Roberts, Irene Onley, Ethel Kilby, Polly P, Ann Geoff, Jean Huggins, Rose Smiington, Morkum, Dot Davies, Nan Fraser, Chloris P, Dorothy Cumming, Joy Higtgins, Lillian Hunt, Christine Barton, Dinah Mongta, Charmain LeMaitre, Frances Pilgrim, Myrtle Fitzclarence, Sylvan Sims, Edith Jones, Frances Pilgrim, Myrtle Fitzclarence, Sylvan Sims, Edith Jones, two unnamed. 04864.1 10 x 15 cm

Physical description

Colour photograph of five women Ella Cole, Nen Fraser, Nell Ross, Dorothy Lindsay, Muriel Gregory members of Uniting Church Lakes Entrance
