Physical description


Merle Hall Collection: Rosalind Park Creative Village Bendigo Project Letters from Maery Hall (Gabriel).

6 December 1995
To: Merle Hall Arts Bendigo
From Maery Hall
Content: Outline of what is involved in the design and working of the project. Enclosed are three page of the design outline, one page of tool drawings, three sheets of sketches, photograph of small mosaic sketch using rocks I brought back from my last visit. The letter also contains: Materials, Tools, labour, Other needs, Time, Costs and the Council’s role.

6 November 1995
To: Merle Hall Secretary Arts Bendigo
From Maery Hall
Content: Contains a rough sketch of the project. Note that the sketch is missing.

29 January 1997
To: Merle Hall Arts Bendigo
From Maery Gabriel
Content: Contains a drawing for the remaining pavement areas that I submitte before and measurements for the actual slabs for 22 square m. for the two. The result will be 2 (saddle reefs) in style. Also mentioned are two options for payment. Receipts also included for the last two payments and the saw. Thank you for sending the form of transfer for the saw. (Note the drawing is missing)

10 April 1997
To: Merle Hall Arts Bendigo
From Maery Gabriel (artist in Mosaic)
Content: Thank you for your letter of 9 March and further discussions on costs and layouts.

25 Feb 1997
To: Maery Gabrel, ‘Morningswood’ Pterson’s Road Ellinbank 3821
From Merle Hall Secretary Arts Bendigo
Content: Apologies for the delay in not answering last letters and drawings. Mentions the need to meet with the Council to discuss the completion of the project and the need to enquire about funding from the Premier’s ‘community support fund’

9 March 1997

To: Maery Gabrel
From Merle Hall Secretary Arts Bendigo


Followup letter from 25 Feb 1997 concerning the last sections of the mosaic project.
Outcome of meeting with Bernard Smith of the City of Greater Bendigo
One local business sponsor prepared to donate a small amount towards completion of the project
P.S. Sharon Hackett; the painter would love to receive her questionare from you.

22 Dec 1996

To: Maery Gabrel
From Merle Hall Secretary Arts Bendigo


Enclosed is a form to cover transfer of ownership of the diamond saw as reccomended by an adviser. P.S. the transfer is made out to ‘Hall’ - your name under our contracts. I’ve used your name for the address.

20 Dec 1996

To: Maery Gabrel
From Merle Hall Secretary Arts Bendigo


Arts Bendigo Inc. of P.O. Box 563, Bendigo, 3552, agrees to the transfer of ownership to Maery Hall of ‘Morningswood’, Peterson’s Rd., Ellinbank, 3821 of one ‘Stubbie electric Bricksaw.
Purchased from DEMBICON on May 25th 1996
Diamond Blade for $1650, now valued at $1200
Part payment for the contractr of a mosaic pavement around the poppet lookout in Rosalind Park Bendigo.

30 Nov 1995

To: Maery Gabrel
From Merle Hall Secretary Arts Bendigo


The enclosed survey sketches just arrived.
Formal approval from the commissioners.
Early next year the poppet head will be re-painted and have scaffolding there for a time, but shouldn’t be a problem.

9 January 1996

To: Maery Gabrel
From Merle Hall Secretary Arts Bendigo


Summary of discussions with the John Little V.A.C. and Roni Schell from ‘Future Connections’ re her DEET submission and Bernard King from the City and one of the Commisioners.
A non-specific plan for being ‘contracted and not employed’
An expectation the ‘Future Connections’ would then offer youseparate contract to conduct workshops for their clients and develop tutorials.

9 November 1995

To: Maery Hall
From Merle Hall Secretary Arts Bendigo


Sketches enclosed for the poppet head site and comments on them from the City Council.

20 January 1997

From: MaeryGabiel Artist in Mosaic (formerly Maery Hall)
To: Merle Hall Secretary Arts Bendigo


Receipt of $5000 plus one ‘Stubbie Electric Bricksaw, with stand, serial number 0002056 being payment under contract no. 2 for work on mosaic payments in Bendigo.

20 May 1996

Lisf of Materials and euipmemnt required for Mosaic and tools to be made