Physical description

Merle Hall Collection: Rosalind Park Creative Village Bendigo Project Pamphlet for Rosalind Park Lookout - two copies.

One side of the pamphlet has a layout image of the five sections of the mosaic and the poppet head base.

The sections are numbers 1 to 5

Section 1: A stylised representation of the main Bendigo Goldfield based on a geological plan (Publish in 1992). It shows the lines of reef, including the famous Hustlers, Garden Gully and New Chum.

Section 2: A typical cross section of the Bendigo Goldfields

Section 3: The mine layout shown in this design features part of the Garden Gully line of reef.

Section 4: Shown here is the Iron Bark mine on the Sheepshead reef. It has an interesting pattern of drives, stopes and winzes.

Section 5: In this section the artist uses gold as her inspiration. The larger mosaic shows quartz veins winding through the earth containing gold in its various forms. The smaller mosaic represents the atomic structure of gold. It shows the the nucleus, the six shells of the atom, their electrons and orbits.

The other side of the pamphlet describes the background of the community arts project, the artist, and volunteer workers, also notes mentioning the Bendigo community history.

It also lists the donors for funding and business's that supported the project, with special thanks to Eric Wilkinson - Geolpogical advoser, the students and staff from Camp Hill, St Killians and Violet Street primary schools. BRIT and La Trobe University, bendigo.