Physical description

PETER ELLIS COLLECTION: Submission by The Bendigo Field Naturalist Club for the Preservation of the Whipstick Bendigo 1971

The submission was sent to the Minister for Forests.

'On behalf of the Bendigo Field Naturalist's Club, we, the President and Honorary Secretary, make application to the Forests Commission to have two areas, as approximately shown in green on the maps submitted (under separate cover), and being in the parishes of Huntly Nerring and Whirakee, Edgerton declared as Forest Parks under the Appropriate Act.'

The Submission has the following contents:

Bendigo's Claim for a Forest Park or National Park
The Proposed Foiorest Parks Near Bendigo
The Flora of The Proposed Whipstick Forest Park
Species of Native Plants Bendigo Whipstick Area 1971
Species of Birds Bendigo Whipstick Area 1971
Mammals of the Whipstick
Bendigo Whipstick Statistics