Physical description

Programme: Bendigo Youth Choir presents ''Das Namensfest'' (The Grandfather's birthday party) by Sussmayr at the Bendigo Art Gallery on Saturday, 10th August, 1985 and Sunday 11th, August, 1985 at 7.00pm.
Musical director: Valerie Broad
Pianiste: Eileen Hetherington
Soloist: Benjamin Fenselau, Luke Gallagher, Traude Beilharz, Marcus Mawby, David Evans, Paul Veitch, Russel Boivard, Jeni Fleay, Natalie Hetherington, Sonya Morrissey, Barnaby Breaden.
Grandfather: Kevin Vallence.
Choir members: Jane Ash, Holly Beazley, Jillian Boivard, Peter Campbell, Lyndon Carty, Lisette Curnow, Justine Dowdle, Jodi Elliot, Kara Every, Michael Ewart, Rachel Fenselau, Paula Fleay, Kirsten Fletcher, Matthew Garside, Lorinda Grant, Meagan Lee, Glenice McIntyre, Francis Fyffe, Simon Waugh, Janet Phillips, Rebecca Porter, Aleesa Pratt, Elizabeth Reid, Fiona Ritchie, Mary-Teresa Ritchie, Cindy Waugh, Alison Wells, Nicola Wells.
Red bow tied to the top of the programme.
