Physical description

Three page document. Front page, extracts from F. Chamber's Report on Tambour Major Shaft, includes reference to Allingham and More's shaft and Specimen Hill Reservoir.
Early workings on the Christmas Reef line, Specimen Hill or Tambour Major, are listed in a table format, example -
Great Western Gold Mining and Crushing Coy, 1855
Fajeon and Coy, 1859, tunnel in hillside.
Specimen Hill Coy 1861
Indefatigable 1862, 64, 67 - 1881
Agamemnon 1862-1863 - 1881
Invincibkle Co. 1865 - 1867
Old Bendigo Tribute 140 ft 1870
Great Eastern Co 1870 - 1881
Great Eastern Tribute Co.
Bismark Co, No. 1 North 150 ft 1870 - 1881
Bismark No. 2 Tribute 212 ft
Allingham and Moore 338 ft 1872
Specimen Hill United 450 ft 1881
Great Western United (amalgamation of Old Bendigo, Invincible, Gt. Eastgern and Bismark Coys) 400 ft 1882
Tambour Major 847 feet 1881 - 1890
Christmas Reef Co. 200 ft. 1895 - 1897
Open Cuts