Physical description

Hand written names of some of the men who worked at Hercules Mine, Long Gully. Written at the top is Driver Bill Tonkin. Before 1942 when Mine closed. The names are: Back Row - 1. Harry Harward, 2. Bonnie Bentley, 6. Archy Dumble, 7. Tom Kitt, 8. Charlie Ellis, 9. Dick Fraser, 12. Billy Goat Johns, 13. Jack Waterson, 14. Tom Bennetts - Blacksmith. 2nd Row - 4. New Williams, 5. Patsy Palmer, 6. Dave Hughes, 8. Tom Henderson, 9. Charlie Davey - Driver. 3rd Row - 1. Fred Batten, 2. Mick Meager, 7. Tom Hicks, 8. Tonkin. 4th Row - 1. Roy Rosewarne, 2. Gordon Ennor, 3. Taff Hawkins, 4. jack Trevena, 5. John Ennor - Manager, 6. Charlie Clapton, 8. Harry Pinder - Underground Manager. Written underneath is: Some Names of Men who worked at Hercules Mine, Long Gully. Paper is mounted on bright green paper which is mounted on orange card and laminated.