Physical description

J.F.Warren Invoice: Cream paper with red print. Torn left bottom half. Economic Timber and Iron yards. NO. 1 Ironmongery and Office, Market Square. No 2 Sawn Timber (Hard & Soft), Cement. Gal. Iron. &c. Opposite School of Mines, (Hargreaves St. E.) No. 3 Split Timber, Palings, Pickets, &c. (Hargreaves Street East). To: Mrs Waldock. Sandhurst May 9th 1891. Please receive from J.F Warren, The undermentioned Goods in good order and condition:- General Importer. For 30 Yards 36 x 2 netting £10. Paid J.F.Warren per S. H. Box 625.

Inscriptions & markings

Printed at 'The Bendigo Independent' Office.