Physical description
Bendigo Operatic Society ''The Geisha'' at the Capital Theatre, View Street, Bendigo for Five Nights Commencing 21st June 1968. Producer: Mr. Cid Ellwood - Musical Director: Max O'Loghlen - Assistant Producer, Ballet and Wardrobe Mistress: Madge Welch - Society Pianist: Gwen Grose. Cast in Order of Appearance: Peg Green as O Kiku San (Chrysanthemum Geisha) - Maria Cariddi as O Hana San (Blossom Geisha) - Margery reed as O Kinkoto San (Golden harp Geisha) - Patricia Lyon as Komurasaki (Little Violet Geisha) - Ferd Lorenz as Wun Hi - John Boquest as Lt. Reginald Fairfax - John Cannon as Lt. Bronville - Max Rule as Lt. Cunningham - Peter Lelean as Lt. Grimston - Ian Unmack as Mr. Midshipman Stanley - Carol Mils as Juliette - Henry Johnson as Takemini - Bert Donovan as The Marquis Imari - Joan Crane as Lady Constance Wynne - Rhonda Osborne as Miss Ethel Hurst - Ann Ball as Miss Marie Worthington - Carol Crane as Miss Mabel Grant - Valerie Broad as O Mimosa San - Bill Craddock as Lt. Katana - Patricia McCracken as Miss Molly Seamore - Pauline Speedy as Nami