Physical description
Bendigo Operatic Society ''Brigadoon'' At the Capital Theatre View Street Bendigo Commencing on November 6th, 1964, For a Five Night Season. Producer: Cid Ellwood - Assistant Producer and Ballet Mistress: Miss Madge Welch - Society Pianist: Mrs. Gwen Grose - Musical Director Max O'Loghlen. Cast in Order of Appearance: Leonard Carr as Tommy Albright - Ferd Lorenz as Jeff Douglas - Victor White as Angus McMonies - Jack Werry as Donald Ritchie - Douglas Sayle as Sandy - Bronwyn Cornwall as Maggie Abernethy - Reginald Boromeo as MacGregor - Ian Beckwith as Stuart Cameron - Graham Filcock as Harry Ritchie - Joan Crane as Meg Brockie - James Watson as Andrew MacKeith - Heather Lindhe as Fiona - Mary Speedy as Jean - Peter Ivarsen as Charlie Cameron - George Steele as Mr. Murdoch - Fred Trewarne as A Sword Dancer - Reg Boromeo as A Sword Dancer - Colin Cairns as Piper - Bert Donovan as Frank - Annette Beckwith as Jane Ashton.