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A white document titled "Bendigo Teachers' College Graduation Ceremony to be held at Bendigo City Hall Friday 10th December 1971". Below this is a list of the staff at the college in that year 1971 - Principal: Mr. K. G. Scarrott. Vice-Principal: Miss A. Downward. Warden for Men: Mr. F. M. Courtis. Staff - Mr. T. J. McCabe, Mr. D. O'Brien, Mr. B. I. Rollins, Mr. R. F. Colbourne, Mr. B. A. Clemson, Mr. B. T. Geary, Mr. K. C. Coles, Mrs. N. Fawdry, Mr. L. A. Hall, Mr. K. G. Harrison, Mr. B. R. Reed, Mr. J. A. White, Mr. G. L. Colson, Mr. A. D. Maltby, Mr. K. I. Clements, Mr. L. Jackman, Mr. J. Brasier, Mr. W. P. Lomas, Mr. R. P. Silverback, Mr. R. Collis, Mr. D. R. Phelan, Mr. J. J. Layther, Mr. J. P. Furnell, Mr. J. R. Goodrich, Mrs. H. A. Knox, Mr. K. A. Ryrie, Mr. A. R. McIntosh, Mr. K. W. Endersby, Mr. R. N. Bruce, Mrs. E. J. Perry, Mr. D. J. Watson, Mr. C. J. Barnes, Mr. R. J. Harris, Mr. D. A. Jobling, Mrs. S. M. Wheeler, Mrs. M. P. Hibberd, Mrs. M. M. Clemson, Mr. A. Jones, Mr. E. Coleman, Mrs. R. M. Briggs, Miss M. Gates, Mrs. B. P. Hyett, Mrs. M. J. Smith, Miss J. C. Burnett and Mrs. B. A. Layther. Associate Medical Staff Dr. B. A. Cleeve and Administrative Staff Mr. W. D. Kollie, Mrs. E. Morshead, Miss C. T. Aldridge, Miss D. Stott. Mrs. D. M. Philpott and Mrs. J. E. Scarrott. On the inside cover is the "Significance of the Ceremony" and "The College Anthem". The following page as the "Order of the Ceremony." Mr. B. A. Clemson welcomes the visitors and Mr. K. G. Scarrott gives the Principal's message to graduands. Student Representatives are presented to Mr. Mr. J. Revell by Miss A. Downward,Vice Principal. The 1968-1971 Diploma of Teaching (Primary) students and the 1970-1971 T.P.T.C. students are presented by Miss A. Downward to Dr. M. Balson. Congratulations are offered by Cr. D. Elliot, President of Strathfieldsaye Shire Cr. C. C. Rodda and the Principal of Golden Square State School Mr. R. Cordingley. The Occasional Address was given by Dr. Maurice Balson and Mr. Ian Davies concluded with the Acknowledgement. The back cover contains lists of the students receiving their Diplomas of Teaching (Primary) 1969 - 1971 - John Grant Allen, Marion D. Barbour, Marlene J. Bartlett, Jillian M. Bennett, Carol M. Bernasochi, Philip McL. Blackwood, Carmel F. Bourke, Kathryn A. Bourke, Narelle D. Carpenter, Helen C. Cowan, Margaret A. Cowie, Ronald J. Crawford, Annette M. Dodd, Athalie D. Edis, Maureen A. Farnell, Robin J. Fitzgerald, Ruth G. Freeman, Dianne D. Geddes, Meta D. Goodrich, Dennis J. B. Higgins, Kevin M. Higgins, Russell J. Honey, Marilyn L. Kay, Barry Frank Keenan, Christine J. Kennedy, Rosemary A. Kennedy, Judith Kirne, Alison J. Laws, Heather Linton, Annette M. McDonald, Geraldine Matters, Heather J. Mitchell, Christine D. Moore, Adrienne D. Nichols, Marion J. Nixon, Geraldine M. O'Brien, Patricia Maree O'Brien, Joseph Pacquola, Annette J. Parke, Sandra J. Pell, Maureen Y. Pianta, Catherine A. Polgar, Linda C. Preece, Judith M. Punch, Jennifer G. Reynard, Denise P. Ryan, Noela J. Sargent, Mrs. Brenda J. Savy, Christine M. Scholes, Geoffrey G. Scown, Beverley K. Secomb, Joan B. Segrave, John E. Sloan, David J. Snell, Julie M. Sullivan, Dorothy J. Teague, Jennifer F. Thomson, Denise A. Thornbury, Jennifer L. Trewin, Lorraine D. Walker, Edgar John Waterman, Janet E. Waterson, Jillian M. Watts, Leslie Williams and Una M. Woodcock. Trained Primary Teacher's Certificate 1970 - 1971 - Elizabeth A. H. Abbinga, Mrs. Sandra E. Banks, Henry Ward Beecher, Marjorie A. Byrne, Julie P. Carter, Pamela E. Charlton, Lorraine C. Childs, Mary J. Coughlan, Gwenda A. Colville, Elaine J. Cooper, Elizabeth Ann Corboy, Helen J. Cox, Ian R. Davis, Diane E. Edwards, Sandra J. Fitzgibbon, Ann M. Flett, Christine French, Donald Wayne Garner, Mary E. Gibbs, Pamela S. Gorey, Judith A. Grieve, Lorraine Healy, Mrs. Catherine M. Higgins, Ivan P. Honey, Jennifer M. Ibbs, Geoffrey Kerr, Robyn M. King, Christine M. Law, Mrs. Wendy E. McGinniskin, Margaret A. McMahon, Valerie P. McMaster, Mary A. McNamee, Wendy J. McNeill, Jane P. H. McPherson, Patricia Oakford, Colleen J. O'Brien, Robyn E. Onley, Eileen Joan Osborne, Mrs. Wendy A. Proud, Kristina N. Puchala, Lynette B. Rathbone, Mrs. Yvonne M. Robinson, Shane B. Rodda, David L. Rosendale, Mrs. Jan E. Scholes, Judith J.Tait, Adrienne L. Thomas, Sandra J. Turner, Rosemary D. Whalen, Sandra J. Whitmore, Jane A. Wilson and Linda O. Wilson. External Studies - The Trained Infant Teacher's Certificate was received by Sharon P. Prentice. The Diploma of Teaching ( Primary ) - Mrs. Linda E. Cameron, Neville G. Fisher, Trevor J. Hogben and Maureen L. Tobin. Trained Primary Teacher's Certificate - Valda J. Chapple, Marie K. Gread, Shirley A. Grose, Mrs. Judith J. Hocking, Michael J. Lonnie, Michael McCabe, Kevin F. McInerny and Kenneth N. Webster. Also included is an insert with a diagram of the stage plan.