Physical description

Contract, 2 page handwritten, dated 9 March 1895, Written on front Christmas Reef GML Contract for driving 50 feet east @ 152 feet. On inside specification for driving cross-cut for the Christmas Reef Gold Mining Company No Liability ( least no 6486 Sandhurst ) at a depth of 150 feet A numbered list of expectation is given, for example Number 3: ' All Mullock & Co., obtained from the cross-cut shall be brought to the surface and the shaft and cross-cut left perfectly clear on the completion of the contract. Should any quartz be struck it must be brought up and stacked separately or disposed of as the company shall direct On bottom of contract I the undersigned hereby agree to perform the within mentioned work according to ?. Within written specification and to be bound by the terms and conditions therein mentioned for the sum of nine shilling and sixpence per completed foot of driving. Dated this ninth day of March 1895' signed Pat English. Below: My father the above named Pat English having died this morning, I am desirous of completing the above contract and I agree to complete the same according to the within written specification and to be bound by the terms and conditions therein mentioned for the sum of nine shillings and sixpence per completed foot of driving and to clean up the cross-cut to the presend and before starting. Dated this 29th. Day of March, 1895. Signed Patrick English.