Physical description

Green cardboard dinner menu folded in half. Printed lettering in green coloured ink on front page reads, 'Dinner to Johnnie' commemorating Miss Amy Johnston and her solo flight from London to Australia., given by Messrs,CC Wakefield & Co. LTD, The De Havilland Aircraft Pty,Ltd., The Shell Coy, of Australia LTD, Wentworth Hotel, Sydney --- -- June 10th ,!930. Printed image of double wing aircraft within centre rectangle. Miss Amy Johnston scroll printed using red coloured ink in top left corner. Centre page headed Menu, is followed by various dinner course written in French language. Dancing at 9pm printed at page bottom. Countess Lamborice, Count Lamborice written in pencil top right corner. Back page captioned Autographs in red printed ink contains eighteen pencilled signatures including Howard Jolley and Violet Jolley.