Physical description

Plan on paper: on top of plan 'plan showing the position of the underground & surface workings in the claim of Mr. Ballerstedt Victoria Hill' Signed by Thomas Forbes, Mining Surveyor, 22nd. April 1868' Attached to plan is a letter report accompanying plans on the underground workings in (illegible) Ballerstedt & Sons, Victoria Hill (ink blot covering writing RH side) Text of letter begins : the underground level southwards from the shaft is 4ft 6' x 6 ft wide as shown on the plan; and is at a depth of (illegible) from the surface; along the (illegible) of which the timbering both upright and cap-pieces; are now in as good condition as when the work was being proceed with; with the exception of the uprights and one cap-piece which are slightly crushed from the general settlement of the mullock. The timbering of the drives is still standing in the same position though upwards of 12 months has elapsed after the slip in the open cutting had taken place, showing very clearly in my mind that the slip could not be attributable to the insufficient timbering of the underground workings; but rather to the action of the weather in this particular part of the cutting. The probably quantity of mullock that was detached or slipped from the west side of the cutting; would be (from careful enquiry and observation ) about 1500 loads at least; enough to crush the whole of the timber in the levels, if it had not been of the most substantial character and I think yours to prove that the fall was not caused by any defective timbering but from the cause already stated. I may state that I have inspected the underground workings generally in the mine, and the timbering is of the most substantial character

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