Physical description

Small mustard coloured Falcons Netball Club Inaugural Debutante Ball Friday, 29th July 1988. Debutantes Partners Kim Read Barry Selleck Kylie McCloy Cameron Emond Paula O'Connor Brad Hecker Amanda Drummond Blair Hall Tracy Hecker Scott Burgess Helen Garde Marcus Phillips Susan Maggs Brendan Cox Presented to Strathfieldsaye President Mrs. M. I. Wallis and Mr I.M. Wallis at 8.00p.m. Flower Girls Tanya Kearns Rae Watson-Jones Chaperone Mrs. Estelle Waterman Tutors Mrs. Mary Smith Mr. Peter Ellis Band 'Premiers' M.C. Mr. Alan Stevenson Programme 1. Fox Trot 2. Veleta Waltz 3. Evening 3 Step 4. Fox Trot 5. Plain Schottische 6. Parma Waltz 7. Fox Trot 8. Presentation of Debutantes 9. Pride of Erin 10. Progressive Barn Dance 11. Fox Trot 12. Veletta Waltz 13. Charmaine 14. Fox Trot 15. Gypsy Tap 16. Alberts 17. Fox Trot 18. Parma Waltz 19. Evening 3 Step 20. Modern Waltz 21. Progressive Pride of Erin 22. Fox Trot Presentation Dance: Grand March & Alberts Quadrille Autographs Thank you Peter from Myrt