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Pink coloured card Green writing St. Clement's Anglican Church Huntly Debutante Ball Friday, 10th July 1987. Debutantes Partners Julie Fowler Frank Munro Donna McCullough Tim Carlile Angela Nolan Peter Kelly Mandy O'Neill Todd Pickering Danielle Price Karl Jenkins Maryanne Stratford Jamie Bennett Vicky Tehan Andrew Middleton Lisa Tiller Craig Jarvis Presented to the Bishop of Bendigo Rt. Rev. O. Heyward and Mrs. Heyward 9.00 p.m. Flower girls Diana Bosse Genai Roberts Page boy Austin Jinks Chaperone Mrs. Denise Roberts Trainers Mrs. Mary Smith Mr. Peter Ellis Pianist Mrs. J. Grotto M.C. Mr. Colin Silk. Programme 1 Foxtrot 2 St. Bernard Waltz 3 Maxina 4 Evening Three Step 5 Foxtrot 6 Pride of Erin 7 Progressive Barn Dance 8 Modern Waltz 9 Tangoette 10 Waltz Cotillion 11 Foxtrot 12 Valetta Waltz 13 Gay Gordons/ High Schottische 14 Foxtrot 15 Alberts 16 Parma Waltz 17 Charmaine 18 Swinging Waltz 19 Foxtrot 20 Auld Lang Syne Presentation Dance: Veletta Waltz Charmaine. Autographs.