Physical description

Newspaper clipping Bendigo Advertiser Saturday August 2 2014.Articles of friends who enlisted for WWI together. Private George Every, son of W. H. Every enlisted in July 1915, and sailed for Egypt in January 1916, and his imminent return home wounded. Private S. H. R. Elliott No. 782, K.I.A. April 25 1915, aged 28 years. Son of the late Mr. & Mrs George Elliott of Peg leg Road Eaglehawk, enlisted in August 1914 and embarked from Melbourne. N. S. Draper enlisted at the same time. Sydney Elliott was a member of the Eaglehawk Fire Brigade, Rifle club and was chosen to do sniping duty. G. Of the Loyal Catherine lodge, M.U., Odd fellows band , Comrade's class connected with the Eaglehawk West Methodist Sunday School, Church Choir ,Lawn party , and the swastika club, esteem of the Eaglehawk mechanics institute, Foundry man at the Austral Drill foundry at Eaglehawk. He had one sister, Mrs W. Graham, of Peg leg Road and five brothers - Messrs George & Abe, Bootmakers of Eaglehawk, Fred of Vine Street Bendigo, William of Farnsworth Street Eaglehawk,Stanley of Eaglehawk, and well know in musical circles and as choirmaster at St. Pauls Church Bendigo.