Physical description

Series of Black & White Images of Hill Family in the years 1921-1922. Total 7 Photos. Darkie the horse tethered to stable. Zita, Nora, Rita & Doreen one Zita is dressed in black with white scarf around her neck and wearing a dark coloured hat, other three are all dressed in white Nora has a dark hat and other two have broad brimmed hats, Rita and Doreen have black ribbons hanging from their necks, to the right are a man and lady seated on the ground and in dark clothing, a man with a pipe in his mouth and wearing a grey suit and hat in background, lady in black and lady in white looking in other directions, background has grandstand with gab le roof and fronted by a white picket fence and people sitting at tables and chairs, trees in right background, Queenscliff February 1921. Rita Nora Doreen lying face down on the beach, girl on left has dark hat on, background shows large shed and other housing with fences, 'Merry Mermaids' Queenscliff 1921.Four girls and one male, three girls dressed in white, one in dark colour, two have light coloured hats and two have dark colour hats, one girl dressed in dark colour, male is wearing white trousers and college coat with stripes, background shows skyline of the nearby city and beach buildings, two men occupy a seat right back ground and dressed in dark clothing, Queenscliff 1921. Cyril Fred Mollie Doreen in a conga line the boys in grey suits and the girls in white, one has circular bands on her skirt, hedge in near back ground, gable roofed building and trees further back,'Durvol' January 1922. Hal wearing dark coat and jodhpurs long boots sitting astride a bicycle, something balanced between the handlebars and on the top bar, paling fence with vine hanging overhead other plants in the corner of the yard, December 24 1921. Doreen riding in a billy cart and pulled by a large dog along a pathway, Doreen is wearing all white, background is bushes and hedge with large tree, Dog is dark colour, 'I'm coming' January 1921.

Inscriptions & markings

Hilda Hill Personal Collection