Physical description

Newspaper article attached to A4 printer paper. Article is from the Bendigo Advertiser. Photo shows coffin bearers loading casket into back of the hearse and is captioned : VALE: Family members and friends escort Peter Ellis' coffin from the chapel. Article reads: Tribute to a 'national treasure'. More than 450 people packed the Mulqueen Family Chapel yesterday to pay their respects to celebrated Bendigo music identity, historian and naturalist Peter Ellis OAM. He was described by family and friends as a teacher, mentor, band member, conservationist, philanthropist, historian, author, storyteller and national treasure. Rob Moors spoke of the work which earned Mr Ellis the Order of Australia Medal in 2012. 'Peter's dedication to the bush and his love for bush music means he will live on through his work and the legacy that he's left us, a legacy that allows others to learn and to benefit from his work and to follow his lead,' he said. Mr Ellis was awarded the OAM for services to the arts through the collection and preservation of Australian folk history and heritage. He died suddenly last week after a brief illness at the age of 69.

Inscriptions & markings

Bendigo Advertiser