Physical description

Hilda Hill Collection. Combination Sepia & Black & White Photos Double Sided Card Total of 8 depicting family life towards the end of the First World War in 1918 up until July 1924. A comparison exists between life at 'The Ranch' ? In Eppalock in 1918 versus life at 'The Ranch' in 1924. lady standing at the front of the house with left arm raised to shade her eyes dressed in a dark coloured dress, light coloured cover on chair in background at 'the Ranch' June 1918. Oval black and white photo of Doreen at Durvol, dressed in black skirt and white shirt with black school? Tie June 1918. Proud parents with baby sitting in pram, both p[parents are wearing dark coloured hats dark clothing and white shirts, pram is boat style body with large rear wheels and smaller front wheels. White picket fence in background, May 1918. Also on this page is a reference to 'The Ranch' July 1924 in white, but no photo. Claire and Doreen sitting on lawn area, small garden to left, row of decorative plants in semi circle, dead tree centre background and other trees to left and right background, S.H.L.C. 24 Sept 1918. Boys' Flag Drill - repatriation Upper Reserve 19 October 1918. Group of people, all but one females, all in white at No. 7 reservoir happy 9 January 1919. Al and Marie sitting, Al in all white and hatless, Marie in white blouse and black waistcoat with black tie, foreground shows large rocks, background has trees in distance, No.7 reservoir 9 January 1919. Childrens folk dance at Upper Reserve, All children dressed in white, large round hat in foreground, and suited man in hat walking past 19 October 10918.

Inscriptions & markings

Hilda Hill Personal Collection