Physical description

Hilda Hill Collection.Black & White Photos. 8 Family members, one named Jonah and another Gay, on Holiday Point Lonsdale December 1921 & January 1922. Jonah and Maisie sad leave taking Jan 1922, Post in left background, Jonah(left) holding newspaper wearing light coloured bowler style hat White dress, has dark coloured coat on her left arm just visible, short sleeved coloured? Top, Maisie also wearing Bowler style hat jacket, lacy blouse. Long skirt, parasol, and dark coloured coat on her left arm. Exterior of 'The Ranch' 1922 Family Member Cyril is sitting on the steps, to the right is a verandah post and in the background a white chair covered by a white cloth. Photo of two men sitting in a car of the times, two other people standing on the near side, in front of house with medium height picket fence(white), hedge growing on the inside along the fence, tree in nature strip near rear of car.