Physical description

Black and white photograph. Contents of book. I How to organise a ball. II Ball room Toilette (Ladies) (Gentlemen) III Etiquette of the ball room. IV The Quadrille. V The Caledonians. VI The Lancers. VII The Double Lancers. VIII Coulon's Double Quadrille. IX The Polka. X The Cellariu's. XI The Mazurka Quadrille. XII The Polka Mazurka. XIII The Redowa or Redova. XIV The Schttische. XV The Varsoviana or Varsovienne. XVI The Gorlitza. XVII The Valse a Trois Temps. XVII The Valse a Deux Temps. XIX The New Valse. XX The Galop. XXI The Cotillon. XXII The Spanish Dance. XXIII The Tempete. XXIV Sir Roger De Coverley. XXV Glossary of Terms Used in Dancing.