Physical description

Coloured photograph of the Golden Square Primary School Year Prep.-1/M 2001class and their teachers. Their names are: Back Row, L to R: Ms Kristy Taylor, (Teacher), Rory Veal, Brooke Davies, Taylor O'Malley, Brodie Clive-Griffin, Evan Legg, Mrs Lyndal McClure, (Teacher), Ms Trish Potter (Teacher). Middle Row, L to R: Gemma Bolitho, Casey Moser, Chelsie Murrell, Aaron Jones, Ethan Hardwick, Laura Abley, Zachary Ashman, Megan Anderson. Front Row, L to R: Joshua Wood, Marissa Johnson, Jessica Denner, Jake Higgins, Emily Box, Gemma Roberts, Bradley Wilkinson, Joshua McDonald, Cassandra Bolitho.