Physical description

Coloured photograph of the Maple Street Primary School Grade 5-6 M 1999 class and their teacher. Their names are: 3rd Row L-R: Luke Baird, Andrew Young, Benjamin Gunn, Brendan Crowe, Courtney Smith, Kellie Thompson, Rebecca Jackson. 2nd Row L-R: Zachary Aldous Wade Flannery, Chloe Jackson, Stacey Clark, Monique Anderson, Nathan Owens, Zachary Moore, Katharine Green. Front Row L-R: Daniel Marriner, Jake Knight, Nicholas Horgan, Robert Thatcher, Sarah Humphreys, Ashley Grinham, Sarah Brown, David Casey, Willy Anderson, Matthew Penrose, Sam Sheedy. Teacher: Mr C McClellan. Principal: Mr David Robins.