Physical description

Coloured photograph of the Golden Square Primary School No. 1189 Grade 5/6 H 1996 classes and their Teacher Mrs. Merrill Harvey. The names of the children are:- Back Row, L to R: Craig Lockwood, Cassie de Colling, Shaynie Hercus, Sammi Wallis, Katie Scoble, Jacklyn Owen, Danielle Kline, Gemma Ruschmeyer. Middle Row, L to R:- Andrew Rice, Matthew Bateson, Brett Smith, Shane Barker, Nerida Hyett, Sara Anderton, Faye Allchin, Susan Markis, Kylie Martin, Mrs. Merrill harvey (Teacher). Front Row, L to R:-Matthew Goodwin, Cale Bryan, Steven Cumming, Mark Noulton. Absent:- Rosie Sutton, Matthew Peacock, Kelvin Tognolini. On the right of the names is an oval sketch of the school.