Physical description

Merle Hall Collection - Arts Bendigo AGMs: Notice of Mtg, President's Reports, Minutes of Mtg. a. Informal report of the AGM held on 19/10/1982 (and brief Committee discussion which followed); b. Minutes of fourth AGM 29/10/1985; c. Minutes of AGM 27/10/1988; d. President's Report 13/10/198; e. President's Report 30/10/1990; f. Minutes of AGM 15/10/1991; g. President's Report 22/10/1993; h. Minutes of AGM 22/10/1993; i. Minutes of AGM 22/10/1993 with pencilled annotations to list of office bearers; j. Notice of Meeting 1994 AGM 27/10/1994; k. 'invitation' sheet for 1994 AGM; l. 'promo' sheet for 1994 AGM; m. 'promo' sheet for 1994 AGM; n. President's report 1994; o. President's Report 1999; 'invitation' to 2000 AGM; q. Notice of Meeting 2000 AGM 20/10/2000; r. Minutes of 2000 AGM; s. president's Report 2000 AGM; t. Notice of meeting 2001 AGM; u. ' invitation' (''Please take time to read this'') sheet re 2001 AGM; v. Agenda for 2001 AGM; w. President's Report 2001 AGM; x. Handwritten notes for the Minutes of the 2001 AGM; President's Report 21/10/1998; z Copy of Annual Report as presented by President for Annual General Meeting 16/10/1984 (John F Hogan, President) - with appended half-page ''Explanation'' - M D Hall (Secretary); aa. Notice of Meeting for the Fourth Annual General Meeting (29/10/1985; ab agenda for AGM 1994 (with Social Evening) - guest speaker Derk Guille and entertainment by Youth String Trio