Physical description

Various Notices from/of Arts Bendigo: a. Regional meeting of the North Central Region of the Vic. Arts Council, Castlemaine Feb 20th 1982 ''Brief Report from Merle Hall''; b. Note to ''Former M.A.S.B. Members and Supporters'' re formation of Arts Bendigo and offer of membership/details; c. 3-paged review of history and formation of ''Arts Bendigo'' (not dated); d. ''To all Arts Bendigo Members'', accompanying notice of the Annual General meeting (dated Sept 19th ??; e. ''Polyphony is coming to Bendigo''- Special advance offer to Arts Bendigo and Friends of the Gallery members'' (inscribed as '1983'); f. Notice to ''All Arts Bendigo Members'' - copy of the Notice of Meeting for the first AGM of Arts Bendigo; g. Notice re membership and forthcoming events for 1983; h.''A Message from 'Arts Bendigo' re inadequacy of venue after an evening of Opera and limitations of the current venue; i. Invitation to become a subscribing member of Arts Bendigo with benefits; j. Invitation to celebrate another year of arts activity (dinner and AGM at Mully's Café 21/10/1999); k. Notice to ''Our Local Theatre Groups'' re planning to have a - potential - show to coincide with 1985 Eaglehawk Dahlia and Arts Festival (date 25/19/1984); l ''A Quick Noe to our Committee Members'' - note re arrangements and attendees of ''Final Party'' of AB in conjunction with BRAC (dated Oct. 31st)