Physical description

a. Program for the concert held at the Capital Theatre, View Street, Bendigo on 24th. April 2015, titled 'Coo-ee! Songs of the Anzacs' music and images of World War One and the launch of a double CD of the same name. The concert was organised by Peter Ellis, who also co-ordinated and produced the double CD. A similar concert was held at Goornong Soldiers' Memorial Hall on 24th.January 2015, also organised by Peter Ellis with the Goornong Hall Committee. The CD production was a joint effort between Peter and the Bendigo Historical Society, partly funded by a Federal Grant from the Anzac Centenary Grants. During the planning and development of the CD, Peter became ill with pancreatic cancer. He passed away within a month of the Concert at the Capital. B. The newspaper article tells of his funeral.