Physical description

Eight page brochure printed by Cambridge Press titled Scalebuoys. Sole Australian Distributor Frank A. Stevenson, 62 Honeysuckle Street, Bendigo. Pages have green horizontal lines. Brochure mentions the Scientific Treatise of Scalebuoy Process of Water Treatment by the Creator R. H. S. Abbott, Jnr. Other topics are How Scalebuoys Function, Not a 'Watersoftener', Special Features, First Cost is the Last Cost. Scalebuoy Units are for Domestic Household Tank Unit, Hydraulic-Nozzle Tank Unit and Scalebuoy Tap Unit. Practical Applications of Scalebuoy for Domestic Uses are listed. There is also a Scalebuoy hand Unit, Vest Pocket Unit, Large Hydraulic-Nozzle Tank Unit and a Motorized Tank Unit. There are illustrations of the Units. There are also a list of A Few of the Many Industrial and Processing Applications. On the back page is a Special Note on Medical use of Scalebuoys.