Physical description

Bendigo Central Bottle Club Newsletter - James Lerk Collection (April 1976 by deduction). Reference to William Brude store owner/wine and spirit merchant. Involved in partnership in London Brewery and owned Norfolk Brewery - includes list of various bottles owned and used by William Bruce. Reference to Sheepwash being once a main thoroughfare to Bendigo (with sketch map) and information on two of the seven vineyards in area by 1855 - A. Derivan (sic) De Ravin and William Jones, Wine Merchant; article on Bendigo Breweries - reference in it to Albion Brewery, Phoenix Brewery (Pheonix sic), Lucan St Brewery, Thunder & Co, Thunders Sandhurst Brewery, A Thunder & Co, Tankard Malting Co, Bendigo Cognac Distilling Coy, Norfolk Brewery, BB Brewery, Union Brewery, Dublin Porter Brewery, Hindmarsh Brewery, Liverpool Brewery, Edinborough Brewery, Adelaide Brewery, the City Brewing Co, Anchor Brewing Co, Kent Brewery, Alpine Brewery, Sandhurst Brewery; Page listing know Bendigo aerated water manufacturers who used the Hamilton Patent - W Bruce, J Heffernam (sic) ,Hefferman?, G Pritchard, Hunter Bros, J Wharton, F G Beard, A Phillips, T Davies.